I was born and raised all over the Sacramento area and have lived everywhere from Davis up to Swansboro on the edge of the Eldorado National Forest. Currently I live right in the heart of Sacramento in the Oak Park area where I have lived for 12 years. I have always loved old houses and my current home was built around 1927 maybe a little older, maybe a little newer, no one knows for sure. The original 500 sq/ft of the home was actually built from used redwood from old boxcars so trust me when I say that I have experience with unique older homes. I have always loved homes and I remember almost all of the houses I've ever been in. There is something about homes that intrigues me. I started down the road with my grandfather teaching me what it took to keep an old house together as well as how to build greenhouses, raised beds, plumbing and irrigation, He was an avid cactus and succulent gardener and that is where I learned one of my greatest skills, patience.
In High School I took a further step by taking ROP classes and interning first with Nacht & Lewis, one of the oldest architectural firms in Sacramento and then with Benning Design and Lighting, one of the most forward thinking interior design and lighting firms in the region. This lead me down the road of being a professional lighting designer. It was my pleasure to work with some of the most prestigious homes, including many "Street of Dreams" homes in the greater Sacramento region as well as many innovative commercial projects. As a lighting designer, I would work with architects at the very beginning of the design process and continue with the project through all the stages from rough framing all the way to the end when I would go and program the lighting control systems. This allowed me to see the whole process of building a home and I always found it fascinating.
Eventually I took it a step further and became involved in Project Management and Construction. From high-end remodels in the Bay Area to refurbishing large warehouses in the Central Valley I learned to get dirty and to get it done. From setting and following budgets to doing demo work and then polishing the chrome at the end, I have done it all. I learned how things get done correctly and how to fix things that were done wrong, and the problems that incorrect work can cause. Time and time again I would deal with clients that were in over their heads and I would find out they they had never had a home inspection that would have informed them about what they were getting into.
At this point it became time to combine my past experience with extensive training from ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors), NSPF (National Swimming Pool Foundation) and CREIA (California Real Estate Inspectors Association) to create Mr.Inspector. I have also completed and passed the NHIE (National Home Inspector Examination). This exam is not required in California to become a home inspector. In fact, it may surprise you to learn that there are no requirements at all to be a home inspector in California. Yes it's true, anyone can call themselves a home inspector in California and start doing inspections. This is why it is so important to only use home inspectors that are accredited and have also passed background checks for those organizations. So here I am, Mr. Inspector, at your service. Don't tell anybody, but I love houses so much I used to do this for free!
There are two major professional organizations in California for real estate inspectors. The nation wide organization is ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors). ASHI was created in 1976 by a group of home inspectors as a not-for-profit professional organization. Their mission is to establish and advocate high standards of practice, background checks and a strict code of ethics for their members as well as to set and promote standards for property inspections and to provide the educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession.
The other organization is CREIA (California Real Estate Inspectors Association). CREIA is a California based non-profit professional organization also created in 1976. CREIA is all about advancing the home inspection profession and protecting the public. Inspecting real estate is incredibly knowledge-intensive and more than anything else CREIA is about educating and training its members to do the best inspection possible for their clients. CREIA members must pass a rigorous competency test, background test and a strict code of ethics to become a member and then requires the most extensive annual continuing education from its membership.
I am a member of both organizations but as a Certified CREIA Inspector, your report will adhere to current CREIA standards of practice as they are tailored to California. Within the standards, my judgement is based upon locally accepted practice for comparable properties with respect to quality and workmanship and allowing for reasonable wear and tear of prior occupancy. I do take the IRC Code (International Residential Code) into account, but the home inspection is not a code compliance inspection.
The NSPF (National Swimming Pool Foundation) is now know as the PHTA (Pool and Hot Tub Alliance). Originally formed in 1965, they combined with the APSP (Association of Pool and Spa Professionals) with the mission to “Celebrate the Water,” PHTA facilitates the expansion of swimming, water safety and related research and outreach activities aimed at introducing more people to swimming, making swimming environments safer and keeping pools open to serve communities. I have obtained my Certified Pool-Spa Inspector status.
There are features of the property that are not inspected. Inaccessible features and cosmetic considerations are specifically excluded from the scope of your report. I test components with normal operating controls and do not take apart any system. The inspection is not technically exhaustive and does not include test such as a specialist might perform on any given system. Other features not inspected are sewer systems; timers; thermostats and similar control devices are not checked for calibration; elevators (of any style); security systems and personal property like drapes and refrigerators. I can not inspect what I can not see, like conditions hidden in walls, under rugs or deliberately covered areas. I do not dismantle appliances or turn on gas service to appliances. I will also not turn on water valves other than faucets or hose bibs and flushing toilets. I also do not go into or on areas which in my judgement may be hazardous. My fees do not include warranties or guarantees either implied or expressed.
© Copyright Mr.Inspector